Low energy is probably the most common complaint heard in a doctor’s office today.   There are many potential causes though some are much more common than others.Diet plays a role here with regard to nutrient deficiencies, food allergies and blood sugar imbalances.  When your diet is inadequate to provide your body what it needs it’s easy to see how your energy won’t be at its best.  Food allergies/sensitivities are another hidden culprit.  When you eat foods that you have reactions to you can manifest a variety of symptoms, low energy being one of them.  If you notice you have consistent low energy after lunchtime it is likely you have a food sensitivity contributing to your fatigue.   Not only is it important for you to eat healthy foods but also the combination of foods also matters.  Diets rich in simple carbohydrates and low in protein and good fats tend to encourage unstable blood sugar.  Whenever there is a blood sugar high (after a starchy/sugary meal) there also tends to be a low (hypoglycemia) leaving one with cravings for stimulants and sugar.

Adrenal fatigue is another common cause of fatigue.  The adrenal gland helps the body deal with stress by making adrenalin, cortisol and a variety of other hormones.  When a person is stressed regularly the adrenals can become “fatigued” compromising their ability to produce appropriate hormones to allow you to react to stress appropriately.  Why is your body stressed?  There are several ways you can manifest chronic stress responses including but not limited to emotional upsets, structural misalignment, chronic pain, constant overexposure to food allergies or toxins and poor sleep quality.

Toxic overload is almost never talked about with regard to fatigue.  It generally occurs because the average person is routinely exposed to over a 100,000 toxic agents from the environment each day!  Poor food choices, genetically modified food (GMO), cosmetics, artificial additives, pesticides all contribute to our daily burden of toxicity.  Energetic testing often can reveal ways to use drainage remedies to help reduce the toxic burden while changing lifestyle to limit exposure to common toxins can improve energy and health dramatically.

Once overall diet is improved the next step is to work on decreasing underlying causes of stress while also using various treatments to rebuild your energy reserves.  Treatment of injured areas (prolo/neural therapy), rebuilding tired adrenals (homeopathy, botanicals, nutrition), and improved detoxification (drainage, nutrition, botanicals) serve to restore energy and wellness.

Fatigue is often a symptom of a suboptimal lifestyle and an underlying imbalance.  Testing often helps to get a better idea of fundamental causes leading to better, healthier choices.  Treatment should be viewed as a lifetime process of healthy choices and treatments to improve balance and quality of life.