The Body is Information

You may not be aware of this but the body is somewhat similar to a computer. The information present in your nervous system determines physiological choices that create health or illness. Your emotions and the way you view your life are all related to the information you carry within you. Past experiences both positive and negative can influence your present state of mind and also your physiology as well.
If you wish to change your present state of health consider working on changing the informational state of your nervous system.

How do you change the informational state of you body? Here are some strategies to consider…

1. Start a meditation practice and do it DAILY, here are three practices that I most highly recommend

Dr Wright’s Cleaing Out technique
The Living Soul Meditation
Consicous Mind Cleansing

2. See me or another practitioner who does NMT/TBM and have treatment performed weekly.

3. Constitutional Homeopathy. Finding the right remedy for you can be transformative, it takes time and patience. Working together we can find your remedy.

4. Perform EFT daily on anything and everything that is stressful in your life. For instructions see